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Industrial robot industry expansion brings opportunities for NdFeB industry
datetime:2019-09-04   Hits:473
       In the past 10 years, with the 80s and 90s gradually becoming the main labor force in the manufacturing industry, they are no longer willing to engage in a lot of monotonous, repetitive and poor environmental work. The shortage of labor has led to a rapid rise in labor costs in China's manufacturing industry. According to statistics, in the past ten years, the minimum wages in developed regions such as Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Jiangsu have maintained a compound annual growth rate of about 10%. The rapid rise in labor costs has given rise to China's growing demand for industrial robots, which in turn will bring opportunities for the development of industrial robotic power core NdFeB materials.

       From the historical data analysis, China's robot application rate in the industrial field is still very low, and there is still much room for growth in the future industrial robot market in China. In 2012, China's industrial robot sales volume was 22,987 units, of which domestic brand robot sales market share was only 4%, joint ventures and imported brands accounted for 96%, of which FANUC, Yaskawa, KUKA, ABB four brands accounted for more than 50% market share. Today, the density of industrial robots in China is still lower than the global average, and there is a big gap between Japan, South Korea and Germany. South Korea is the country with the highest density of industrial robots in the world. The average number of robots per 10,000 workers is 395, compared with 339 and 274 in Japan and Germany, and only 23 in China, which is less than the international average of 58. Half of it. In 2012, China's manufacturing industry employed 42.62 million people. According to the international average of 58 units, it needs 247,000 industrial robots. To achieve the goal of 100 units per capita advocated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China's industrial robots will reach 426,000 units.

       According to the “2014-19-19 China NdFeB Permanent Magnet Materials Industry Market Analysis and Investment Prospect Forecast Report” issued by China Industrial Information Network, the current price of a 165kg welding robot is about 168,600 yuan (foreign) to 299,000 yuan. (Domestic), in which the cost of servo motors accounts for about 15%, that is, between 2.54 (foreign) and 4,28 million (domestic). According to the public information, the cost of NdFeB materials in permanent magnet synchronous servo motors is about 20%. From this calculation, the cost of NdFeB materials is about 5095 yuan (foreign) to 8563 yuan (domestic), and currently NdFeB N35SH is sold. The price is about 220 yuan / kg, according to this calculation, about 23 kg (foreign) to 39 kg (domestic) of NdFeB. Considering that the cost of imported servo motors used in domestic robots includes higher gross profit, we believe that it takes 25 kg of high-performance NdFeB to manufacture a 165 kg welding robot. According to the statistics of the International Robot Federation, the annual growth rate of global industrial robots is about 27%. Industrial robot sales have grown in all major markets around the world, with the Chinese market growing more than half.
        In July 2015, the National Development and Reform Commission stated at the press conference that it is necessary to combine the local enthusiasm, initiative and policy orientation, and mobilize all forces to do what the industry needs to do. The next step will support the development of the robot industry from four aspects: First, help the robot industry expand market consumption through policies such as “first set”. The second is to innovate the use of central funds, and consider the use of industrial funds to support the development of the robot industry. The third is to increase support for emerging fields in the financial sector and increase support in loans, listings, and debt issuance. The fourth is to expand international cooperation and introduce some foreign technology and high-level talents.

       At the same time, with the rapid development of "Internet + Manufacturing", Industry 4.0 will be synchronized with Industrial 3.0 to enter China. The growth of robotics and automation technology is huge. The policy support and industrial capital investment boom have become important driving factors for the development of the robot industry. The agency estimates that from 2015 to 2020, the total installed capacity of China's industrial robot systems will range from 630,000 to 1.7 million units, and the overall estimated total market size will exceed 100 billion. Especially in the automotive field, which accounts for 61% of the global industrial robot applications, it is expected to break out in the future. The outbreak of the Chinese robot industry has also provided a good development opportunity for the expansion of NdFeB application.
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